To learn the World's SAFEST, most EFFICIENT "charged" hose deployment method... EVER! A technique that utilizes laws of physics never before applied in the Fire Service... proven to REDUCE Fire Fighter STRESS and nearly eliminate the expected wear to your fire hose...EXPONENTIALLY! |
WWW.HOSEROLLER.COM HFT - Hoffmann Fire Technologies 'The Technology to Take the Heat' (877) HOSEROLLER [(877) 467-3765] Go to the USPTO to view Patent #6267319 |
To E-Mail us... to place an order... get the video! |
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Rolls all lengths of "flat" fire hose into the standard "PERFECT every time..." "donut" configuration ...including a world's first ...LDH up to 6" diameter! |
Then coils this hose "ON-SITE" to the REQUIRED "minimum inside critical diameter" ...for consistant, unrestricted, IMMEDIATE water flow to the nozzle... ...under virtually all conditions! |
Once this coil configuration is established, this hose "bundle" can be loaded into virtually any "pre-connect" hose bed where you presently "fold" your hose today.... AND/OR placed into any "hotel," "highrise," or "wildland" hose pack or harness... ...ready for immediate use, even in confined spaces, the very moment water is needed! |
This system needs absolutely NO additional storage space or volume than an identical length of "rolled" hose... yet it only requires ONE (1) fire fighter... 20' SQUARE feet... and less than 20 seconds of your time! |
The 0, 45, and 90 degree Unversal mount system slides on all 1.5" post mounts, into any 2" trailer hitch slide receiver... or just its components can be affixed to any vertical surface that accepts a (2" X 3" X 3/4") footprint ...such as a tail board, bumper, or any simple 4"X 4" wood post. |
Rotation on the yaw (horizontal) axis allows hose to be rolled quickly from two (2) directions: ...down the street ...or up from an adjacent lot. |
Rich Hoffmann Photography - Weddings, Portraiture, and (Got one, send one... I'll post it!) |
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